Koala Sightings
Spotting Wild Koalas
Report a Koala Sighting
Spotting koalas in the wild is so exciting, and due to our region being a koala 'hot spot', it's not uncommon to see them in our urban areas and on bush walks.
The better we understand where koalas are located, the better we can protect them.
As a community member, you can provide valuable help by recording your sightings with I Spy Koala (arcgis.com).
But first! If you spot a koala in the wild, PLEASE LOOK FOR SIGNS OF INJURY, IMMEDIATE THREAT OR ILLNESS, which include:
- being on a busy road or near/with dogs
- red, inflamed or crusty eyes
- very dirty, wet or dark brown bottom
- signs of injury such as cuts, blood, bone fractures or fur loss
- not using all four limbs when climbing or walking
- sitting at the base of a tree or in the same tree for several days
- looking very skinny
If you think the koala may be under threat, ill or injured, please call our 24/7 Rescue Line on 6584 1522.