The Koala hospital relies on an army of dedicated volunteers, who are vital to its success
Volunteer initiatives
Two of the Koala Hospital’s volunteers, Becky and Graham Harrington, took the initiative to contact the Port Macquarie Hastings Council (PMHC) Mayor, Peta Pinson, and raise their concerns about koalas being struck by motor vehicles in the same area over and over again. As experienced koala rescuers, Becky and Graham, are frequently the first people on site when a koala has been hit by a motor vehicle. Too often the koala has suffered horrendous injuries such as broken bones, a broken jaw and/or brain injuries. Often the koala is lying in pain. And, frequently, koalas hit by motor vehicles are euthanised. In June of 2019 four koalas were hit near the Port Macquarie Golf Club on Ocean Drive and in July, four more were hit in the same area. Following their meeting with the Mayor, Council staff have investigated options to assist in reducing motor vehicle strikes in this area of Ocean Drive. Melissa Watkins, Director Development and Environment, PMHC said, “There are a number of challenges for Council in this location due to the road speed environment, electricity source and adjoining land ownership".

However, I am glad to let you know that in late July that year, a temporary Koala VMS sign had been installed on Ocean Drive. The location had been selected to alert motorists with the change in speed limits as they approach the better lit urban area. This sign remained in place whilst PMHC sourced new solar flashing signs and research some fencing for this area.
PEOPLE POWER – IT PAYS TO NEVER GIVE UP! Well done Becky and Graham for raising your concerns with PMHC and persevering until you reached a result which hopefully, will reduce the number of koalas being hit in these urban spaces we share with our beautiful koalas.